Booth Banner

At a trade show event, Helius Medical Technologies proudly introduced their groundbreaking PoNS device, a Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator designed to enhance the lives of individuals with neurological disorders by improving gait and balance functions. The challenge was to create a captivating 31’w x 89’h pop-up banner that would effectively showcase this revolutionary technology.

I used a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, to bring this design to life. Working closely with the printer, we expedited the files, ensuring that we met the tight deadline before the event.

Booth Banner

At a trade show event, Helius Medical Technologies proudly introduced their groundbreaking PoNS device, a Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator designed to enhance the lives of individuals with neurological disorders by improving gait and balance functions. The challenge was to create a captivating 31’w x 89’h pop-up banner that would effectively showcase this revolutionary technology.

I used a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, to bring this design to life. Working closely with the printer, we expedited the files, ensuring that we met the tight deadline before the event.